How to Age with Grace Physically, Mentally, and Socially
By Bobbi Linkemer
Let’s begin with two indisputable facts: (1) Human beings age, and as we do, inevitable changes take place in our bodies; (2) Some of these changes are out of our control. They are simply part of being human. On the other hand, the more we understand about our own bodies and what they need, the better able we will be to live long and healthy lives.
Healthy aging is being free of disease, functioning well physically and mentally, and spending quality time with people. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, a holistic physician and author, “Although aging is an irreversible process, there are myriad things you can do to keep your mind and body in good working order through all phases of your life. No matter how old you are or what your physical condition is, if you want to change, start where you are right now.”
Where we are right now is in the midst of a worldwide pandemic that has affected every aspect of our daily lives. As a “vulnerable population,” older people are considered at greatest risk of contracting Covid-19. But here, too, there are things we can do to stay healthy.
First and foremost, take care of yourself. Get vaccinated, wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, maintain social distancing, avoid crowds and enclosed spaces.
Emotional strain and negativity play havoc with our immune systems and are linked to many serious medical conditions. Do what you can to minimize your stress and stay positive.
Stay away from junk food; eat fruits, vegetables, and protein; drink plenty of water; and get adequate sleep.
Do whatever you can to help others, even if it’s just a phone call to say hi. Read 29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life by Cami Walker, and discover how many ways there are to give, even if you can’t leave the house.
Stay in touch with people. If you are computer literate, you can communicate with friends and family on social media. If you are not comfortable using electronic devices, this might be a great time to learn.
Feed your creative side. Make masks; dust off your paints or gel pens and create art; lose yourself in sewing or knitting; practice piano; plant a garden, inside or outside; keep a journal; or start that book you’ve always wanted to write.
A moderate exercise program can help you maintain strength, balance, flexibility, and strong bones. According to John J. Ratey MD and Eric Hagerman, authors of Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain, exercise can help you beat stress, lift your mood, fight memory loss, sharpen your intellect, and function better than ever simply by elevating your heart rate and breaking a sweat.
We can’t prevent or reverse aging. We can’t choose our genetics. But we can enhance and enjoy our lives by implementing these suggestions and being proactive about our health and vitality as we age.
Bobbi Linkemer was a writing coach, ghostwriter, and editor before she retired in 2019 after a fifty-year career as a writer. She is the author of twenty-seven books, including How to Age with Grace: Living Your Best Life in Your 70s, 80s, and Beyond. Bobbi’s interest in aging is personal because she is an older adult and practical because she is aware of the many options when it comes to getting the most out of life.
To contact Bobbi:
phone: 314-495-8589
linkemerbobbi@gmail.com or